March 27, 2009

Goodbye is not the end...

My family recently lost a dear friend and brother.

Rock "Rocky" Thomas Green
September 20, 1974—February 25, 2009

Man, Rocky, just when I can actually remember your (non-national-holiday) birthday, you go and celebrate a new kind of birth! Ain't that the way... I will miss your presence, Rock, and your unwavering faith in Jesus. God speed the moment when we'll all be reunited in the presence of our savior.

Among other things, Rocky demonstrated a candid faith, and a passion for living that is contagious. He wasn't afraid of anything; not the strong currents of the Pacific, not the desert-like seasons of life, not even death. And he walked through each of those, with a lion's heart, into victory. I hope that my faith can reflect his. I hope to live in such a way that continues his legacy of faith, passion and fearlessness.

Here are some great thoughts from Rocky himself. These two excerpts are most recently from Rocky's Lubbock, TX memorial service program.
(Thanks, Heidi, for sending one to us.)

This album is a collection of songs representing a period of my life that has recently passed. It was a time that started with difficult changes, and, I immediately found myself challenged at my core. For years I struggled with goals and dreams and my place in life (geographically and, of course, figuratively). I lived in a setting that was disconnected from my past, and I often felt that everything I stood for was future tense. Even the people around me seemed to confirm that my value as a person was largely found in my potential. Reality as I knew it was the daily struggle against the temptation to define myself by my surroundings. And at the same time, I felt the need to be productive and even content with the days God has given me. As I look back, I see that He was teaching me who I really am, what hope really is, and how to hang onto it. The reward for holding onto Jesus as He plowed through all that unpleasant wilderness is just starting to be made known as I watch the sun set on that era. As I ponder all this, I realize the metaphorical significance of this period in my life. It is, in fact, just a small sample of the rest of my days, and there are many more challenges to come. Undoubtedly, my whole life could be titled, “Days You Thought Would Never End.” And ultimately, I will be sitting on the other side of those days, finally understanding the reward for holding onto Jesus through the midst of this mirage that we call the real world.
— Rocky Green
All of these words really spoke to me, because Jaime & I have been going through a similar season of searching for place in the world, despite - and beyond - circumstances.
Rocky lived what he wrote and said. I remember the last time we got to hang out (June 2007). Rocky, Jaime and I walked along the beach near his Encinitas, CA, home, and he didn't know our entire situation, but he really listened and absorbed it as we all went along barefoot. Jaime & I explained that we wanted to go on an adventure, and find a "musically inclined" town to settle down in. Rocky pointed out that no matter where you go, it's really the people that make all the difference.
And Rock and his family did make all the difference in my and my family's life. We used to share every day together, barefoot kids running around in bathing suits, taking the secret little path to the beach, and coming back and hosing off in time for burritos and fellowship and music and laughter. But I always looked up to Rocky, and still do.
Another thing Rocky taught me by his example is to be real. He was always himself, his whole life. He never tried to pretend to be someone he was not. He struggled with his life's meaning, but never lost sight of the anchor of his existence. He was steadfast, and I know that somehow I, who have forgotten myself many times, can draw hope and meaning from the same source that Rocky found. I have been reminded who I am by his knowing who he is.
Even now, God has been ministering truth into my life through Rocky. So thanks, God. And thanks, Rock, for living like a lion, with all your heart and unto the Lord - surfing, playing music, being a fierce friend. Your life reminds me how much one person matters to God, and how much God can use that one person if they give Him the chance.

By Rocky Green

I decorate my time
Thoughts and dreams
Dissertation and rhyme
Minutes are flyin’ and I’m racin’
With my mind

As the day makes history
It is a chance for you and me
To respond to the miracle we see

Time is quick and the moment is fluid
There’s little you can do
When you get right down to it
Life is a vapor, and I’m breathing through it
With all of my might
Better to live as a lion for a day
Than throw your whole life to the dogs
Once all the years and the minutes fade away
They’re all irretrievably gone

Rocky's ashes were carried out to sea at his home surf spot in Cali.
(That's his wife, Jena, in the middle, and brother, Caleb Jude, second from the right.)

Surfers of all ages paddled out in Rocky's honor.

They gathered in a circle to pour Rocky's remains back into the ocean he loved to surf, and afterward gave a loud victory roar.
Go in peace, my friend.
Goodby is not the end.